


中经总网(中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 刘登臣 齐欢 陈熹)联合报道:2024年5月28日, 应阿塞拜疆民主共和国驻华大使布尼亚德•胡塞诺夫阁下, 中国政府欧亚事务特别代表李辉应邀前往阿塞拜疆驻华使馆出席阿塞拜疆国庆日招待会, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕同多国大使、国际组织负责人也应邀出席阿塞拜疆国庆日招待会。

On May 28, 2024, at the invitation of Ambassador of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic to ChinaH.E. Mr. Bunyad Huseynov, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs Mr. Li Hui attendedthe Azerbaijan's Independence Day Reception at the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Beijing. President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan, together with ambassadors of many countries and heads of international organizations were also invited to attend the reception on the National Day of Azerbaijan.


阿塞拜疆驻华大使布尼亚德·胡塞诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)致欢迎辞

晚上19:00, 会场上奏响阿塞拜疆民主共和国国歌和中华人民共和国国歌,然后阿塞拜疆驻华大使布尼亚德•胡塞诺夫阁下致欢迎辞。他说, 今天我对每一位与我们一起出席阿塞拜疆民主共和国独立日招待会的嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎。大使谈到, 阿塞拜疆总统伊利哈姆•阿利耶夫继承了伟大领袖的政治方针, 带领阿塞拜疆共和国取得了伟大的胜利, 我们的人民生活在我国历史上最辉煌的时刻。阿塞拜疆完全恢复了领土完整和主权。阿塞拜疆已经迅速发展成为南高加索地区政治环境最稳定、经济最发达的国家。

At 7:00pm, the national anthems of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of China were played, followed by a welcoming speech by Ambassador Bunyad Huseynov. He said, I would like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of the guests who are with us today at the Independence Day Reception of AzerbaijanDemocratic Republic. He said that the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, following the political course of our great leaders, led the Azerbaijan to a great victory, and our people are living in the most glorious moment in the history of our country. Azerbaijan has fully restored its territorial integrity and sovereignty. Azerbaijan has rapidly developed into the most stable political environment and the most economically developed country in the South Caucasus.


阿塞拜疆驻华大使布尼亚德·胡塞诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)欢迎出席招待会的中外新闻社总裁韦燕

布尼亚德•胡塞诺夫大使阁下高度评价双边关系发展和两国各领域合作成果, 表示阿中友谊历久弥坚, 双方在涉及彼此核心利益问题上相互支持, 阿方愿同中方继续开展互利合作, 推动双边关系朝着更高水平迈进。

Ambassador Bunyad Huseynov spoke highly of the development of bilateral relations and the achievements of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, stating that the friendship between the two countries is everlasting and strong, that the two sides support each other on issues related to each other's core interests, and that Azerbaijan is willing to continue to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with the China to promote the advancement of bilateral relations to a higher level.



布尼亚德•胡塞诺夫大使积极推动中阿双边关系的友好发展, 促进了两国经济和文化上的交流。他曾对中国脱贫攻坚的成就和在国际事务上的担当做出了高度评价, 并坦言“相信中国将为维护世界和平、促进共同发展做出更大贡献”。

Ambassador Bunyad Huseynov has been actively promoting the friendly development of bilateral relations between China and Azerbaijan, and has facilitated economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries. He spoke highly of China's achievements in poverty alleviation and its commitment to international affairs. He frankly expressed that “I believe that China will make greater contributions to the maintenance of world peace and the promotion of common development”.


举杯庆贺:祝贺阿塞拜疆106周年独立日, 祝福阿塞拜疆人民幸福安康

布尼亚德•胡塞诺夫大使表示, 阿塞拜疆始终将发展对华关系作为外交优先方向, 一贯奉行一个中国原则, 坚定支持中方在台湾、涉港、涉疆等问题上的立场, 支持习近平主席提出的共建“一带一路”倡议和三大全球倡议, 愿同中方深化经贸投资、绿色能源、地方交往、人文旅游、应对气候变化等领域的务实合作, 加强在国际和地区事务中的协调配合, 推动两国关系不断向前发展。阿方期待加强两国执政党高层互访和青年交流, 阿驻华使馆愿为此发挥积极作用。

Ambassador Bunyad Huseynov said that Azerbaijan has always prioritized the development of its relations with China as a direction of diplomacy, consistently adheres to the One-China Principle, firmly supports China's position on Taiwan, Hong Kong-related issues, border-related issues and other issues, and supports President Xi Jinping's initiative to build the “Belt and Road” and the three major global initiatives. and is willing to deepen practical cooperation with China in the fields of economy, trade and investment, green energy, local exchanges, humanities and tourism, and response to climate change, as well as to strengthen coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs, so as to push forward the development of the relations between the two countries. Azerbaijan looks forward to strengthening the exchange of high-level visits between the parties in charge of the two countries and youth exchanges, and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in China is ready to play an active role in this regard.



中国政府欧亚事务特别代表李辉致辞。李辉表示, 中阿友好合作伙伴关系健康稳定发展, 双方保持高度政治互信, 扎实推进经贸、能源、交通、人文等领域合作, 在国际事务中密切协作。中方愿同阿方携手努力, 落实好两国元首达成的重要共识, 始终坚持相互信任, 全面扩大互利合作, 在“全球南方”大家庭中团结协作, 共同倡导平等有序的世界多极化和普惠包容的经济全球化, 推动构建人类命运共同体。

Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs Mr. Li Hui delivered a speech. He said that the China and Azerbaijan friendship and partnership have developed healthily and stably, the two sides maintain a high degree of political mutual trust, and solidly promote cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, energy, transportation, humanities and other areas, and closely collaborate in international affairs. China is willing to work with Azerbaijan, the implementation of the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, always adhere to the mutual trust, comprehensively expand mutually beneficial cooperation, unity and collaboration in the “Global South” family, and jointly advocate equal and orderly world multipolarity and inclusive economic globalization, and promote the building of a community of shared destiny for mankind.


阿塞拜疆驻华大使布尼亚德·胡塞诺夫阁下(H.E.Mr.Bunyad Huseynov)欢迎出席招待会的中外新闻社总裁韦燕、副社长齐欢、陈熹

阿塞拜疆位于东西方交汇处的南高加索地区, 是该地区人口最多、领土面积最大的国家, 人口超过1000万。阿塞拜疆拥有以石油为代表的丰富的自然资源, 也拥有古老的文化和厚重的历史。自阿塞拜疆于1991年独立以来, 中国与阿塞拜疆的双边关系进展顺利。阿塞拜疆是率先提出支持“一带一路”倡议的国家之一, 是中国在高加索地区最主要的贸易合作伙伴。

Located in the South Caucasus at the crossroads of East and West, Azerbaijan is the most populous and largest country in the region, with a population of more than 10 million. Azerbaijan is rich in natural resources, including oil, as well as ancient culture and rich history. Since Azerbaijan's independence in 1991, bilateral relations between China and Azerbaijan have progressed smoothly. Azerbaijan is one of the first countries to support the Belt and Road Initiative and is China's leading trade partner in the Caucasus.


韦燕总裁在招待会上拜会俄罗斯驻华大使莫尔古洛夫(H.E.Mr.Igor Morgulov)阁下、土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨阁下(H.E.Mr.İsmail Hakkı Musa)

中外新闻社关注到5月28日是阿塞拜疆106周年独立日, 俄罗斯总统普京致电阿塞拜疆总统阿利耶夫, 祝贺他独立日快乐。普京祝贺阿塞拜疆在社会经济发展中取得的成绩, 在国际舞台上享有威望并积极参与国际日程中重大问题的解决。俄罗斯重视同阿塞拜疆的盟友关系。

Following the 106th anniversary of Azerbaijan's Independence Day on May 28, Russian President Vladimir Putin called Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to congratulate him on the Independence Day. Putin congratulated Azerbaijan on its achievements in socio-economic development, prestige in the international arena and active participation in the resolution of major issues on the international agenda. Russia attaches importance to its alliance with Azerbaijan.


韦燕总裁同阿尔巴尼亚驻华大使塞利姆•贝洛尔塔亚阁下(H.E.Mr.Selim Belortaja)在阿塞拜疆国庆招待会上

应邀出席阿塞拜疆国庆日招待会的各国大使有:俄罗斯驻华大使莫尔古洛夫阁下、土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨阁下、伊朗驻华大使穆赫森•巴赫蒂亚尔阁下、阿尔巴尼亚驻华大使塞利姆•贝洛尔塔亚阁下、巴基斯坦驻华大使哈什米阁下、尼泊尔王国驻华大使比什努•施雷斯塔阁下、约旦哈希姆王国驻华大使胡萨姆•侯赛尼阁下、摩尔多瓦驻华大使杜米特鲁•贝拉基什阁下、南非驻华大使谢胜文阁下、文莱驻华大使拉赫玛尼阁下等多国大使及国际组织负责人等, 韦燕总裁一一拜会各国大使, 友好交流, 借此机会探讨中外新闻社大使俱乐部合作空间。当晚, 韦燕总裁现场还接受阿塞拜疆国家电视台采访。

Attending ambassadors to the Azerbaijan's Independence Day Reception included Ambassador of Russia to ChinaH.E. Mr. Igor Morgulov, Ambassador of Turkey to ChinaH.E. Mr. İsmail Hakkı Musa, Ambassador of Iran to ChinaH.E. Mr. Mohsen Bakhtiyar, Ambassador of Albania to ChinaH.E. Mr. Selim Belortaya, Ambassador of Pakistan H.E. Mr. Hashmi, Ambassador of Pakistan H.E. Mr. Khalil Hashmi, Ambassador of Pakistan to China H.E.Mr. Khalil Hashmi, Ambassador of Nepal to ChinaH.E. Mr. Bishnu Pukar Shrestha, Ambassador of Jordan to ChinaH.E. Mr. Husam Husseini, Ambassador of Moldova to ChinaH.E. Mr. Dumitru Braghis, Ambassador of South Africa to China H.E. Mr. Siyabonga Cwele, Ambassador of Brunei to ChinaH.E. Mr. Pehin Dato Rahmani and other ambassadors and heads of international organizations. President Wei Yan met with each ambassador and exchanged views with them to explore the cooperation opportunities with Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club. In the evening, President Wei Yan was also interviewed by Azerbaijan State Television.


韦燕总裁同俄罗斯驻华大使莫尔古洛夫(H.E.Mr.Igor Morgulov)阁下、土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨阁下(H.E.Mr.İsmail Hakkı Musa)等友好交流

晚会上, 阿塞拜疆民主共和国驻华大使布尼亚德•胡塞诺夫阁下, 中国政府欧亚事务特别代表李辉一同上台, 共切生日蛋糕, 举杯庆贺阿塞拜疆106周年独立日, 祝福阿塞拜疆人民幸福安康。

During the reception, Ambassador Bunyad Huseynov and Mr. Li Hui came on the stage and cut the birthday cake together. They raised glasses of wine to celebrate the 106th Anniversary of Azerbaijan's Independence Day, and wished the people of Azerbaijan happiness and well-being.

与会嘉宾还参与了丰富多彩的阿塞拜疆免费机票抽奖环节。一时间, 歌声、笑声、欢呼声回荡在欢乐的宴会厅, 共同感受中阿两国友谊坚如磐石。

The guests also participated in a cheerful lottery for free flight tickets to Azerbaijan. For a while, songs, laughter and cheers echoed in the joyful banquet hall, and we all felt that the friendship between China and Azerbaijan is as solid as a rock.


中外新闻社韦燕总裁同伊朗驻华大使穆赫森·巴赫蒂亚尔(H.E.Mr.Mohsen Bakhtiyar)阁下出席阿塞拜疆国庆招待会上


中外新闻社执行社长刘登臣同土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨阁下(H.E.Mr.İsmail Hakkı Musa)在招待会上


巴基斯坦驻华大使哈什米阁下(H.E.Mr.Khalil Hashmi)同中外新闻社总裁韦燕出席阿塞拜疆国庆招待会


韦燕总裁同南非驻华大使谢胜文阁下(H.E.Siyabonga Cwele)在招待会上谈大使俱乐部访问海南计划


摩尔多瓦驻华大使杜米特鲁•贝拉基什阁下(H.E.Mr.Dumitru Braghis)同韦燕总裁相聚在阿塞拜疆国庆招待会上


韦燕总裁在招待会上同尼泊尔王国驻华大使比什努·施雷斯塔阁下(H.E.Mr.Bishnu Pukar Shrestha)友好交流


韦燕总裁在招待会上拜会塔吉克斯坦驻华大使佐希尔·萨义德佐达(Saidzoda Zohir Ozod) 阁下









